Information for Chemicals Administration
The images on this project are Chinese only.
The use of chemical substances is widespread in daily life, and most of them are safe. However, certain substances, intentionally produced or unintentionally derived during manufacturing processes, can pose environmental hazards or harm human health. Prolonged exposure to these chemicals in the environment may lead to pathological changes in the human body. In order to facilitate teaching and research, laboratories often need to use toxic substances. To prevent potential harm to human health and the environment due to negligence in the management of toxic substances, it is essential to establish a robust management system, implement appropriate education and training, and take necessary measures for handling and protection.

source : Chemicals Administration, Ministry of Environment

source: Chemicals Administration, Ministry of Environment

source: Chemicals Administration, Ministry of Environment

source: Chemicals Administration, Ministry of Environment

source: Chemicals Administration, Ministry of Environment

source: Chemicals Administration, Ministry of Environment