
Educational Materials

Beware of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases During Seasonal Temperature Changes

Post Date:2024-12-10

1. Recent Weather Changes
The weather has been quite unpredictable lately, with sudden drops in temperature or swings between warm and cold. Please pay special attention to the elderly aged 65 and above, as well as individuals with the "three highs" (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia), to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Here are five key steps for heart and brain health:

  • Stay warm by dressing appropriately.
  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption.
  • Engage in moderate exercise.
  • Undergo regular health check-ups.
  • Be aware of warning signs.

2. Take Cardiovascular Diseases Seriously – Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle
While aging is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, young people are not immune to the risk of brain and heart diseases, especially if they have the "three highs." If you notice any of the following symptoms of heart disease or stroke, seek medical attention immediately to maximize the golden window for treatment:

  •  Signs of Heart Disease:

Sudden onset of chest tightness, chest pain, arm pain, difficulty breathing, nausea, extreme fatigue, dizziness, or fainting could indicate an acute heart attack. Immediate medical attention is necessary. Women in menopause may experience atypical symptoms such as asthma or back pain, which should also be taken seriously.

  • Signs of Stroke:

Remember the FAST acronym to recognize and respond to stroke symptoms:
"Face drooping, Arm weakness, Slurred speech, Time to call for help." Act quickly to save a life:

  1. F (Face): Check for facial drooping by asking the patient to smile. Is one side of the face uneven?
  2. A (Arm): Ask the patient to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward due to weakness?
  3. S (Speech): Ask the patient to say a simple sentence. Is their speech slurred or unclear?
  4. T (Time): Record the onset time of symptoms and call emergency services immediately (119 in Taiwan). Acting quickly is crucial for acute stroke treatment.

3. Please Refer to the Attached Prevention Measures
We also encourage you to watch the following health education videos:

  1. Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases: Recognizing Symptoms and Seeking Medical Attention (Mandarin):
  2. Stroke Prevention: Father-Daughter Story (30-second Taiwanese broadcast):
  3. Stroke Health Literacy Promotion:

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