
Administrative Workflow

The files on this project are Chinese only.

For routine or repetitive tasks in this center, the execution process is described in detail in written documents to standardize the operational procedures. The purpose is to reduce human errors, enhance administrative efficiency, and improve service quality.
  • Work Unit: Represents various work units in the process.
  • Decision: Indicates points in the process where choices need to be made. If "Yes," proceed to the next work unit; if "No," proceed to another work unit.
  • End Point: Represents the endpoint in the process.
  • Arrow: Represents the direction of the process flow.
Process ID Operation Process Name Process Chart
SOP_D01 電話服務作業流程
SOP_E01 校園一般事業廢棄物清理作業流程
SOP_E02 校園有害事業廢棄物清理作業流程
SOP_E03 校園有害事業廢棄物清理分類代碼作業
SOP_E04 校園飲用水設備及水質管理作業流程
SOP_E05 校園大樓貯水塔(槽)清洗作業流程
SOP_E06 校園廢棄化學品及容器清理作業流程
SOP_E07 校園廢棄腳踏車清運作業流程
SOP_E11 國立中興大學推動綠色消費作業流程
SOP_E21 實驗場所使用化學品管理作業流程
SOP_E22 毒性化學物質運作管制流程
SOP_E31 化學品操作失控緊急應變流程
SOP_S01 承攬作業危害告知及安全衛生協議組織管理流程
SOP_S02 助理及研究人員任聘申請建檔作業流程
SOP_S03 校園環境與安全巡查管理流程
SOP_S11 職場母性健康保護管理流程
SOP_S12 異常工作負荷促發疾病預防計畫推動流程
SOP_S13 人因性危害預防計畫推動流程
SOP_S21 實驗場所事故通報與調查作業管理流程