
Toxicity and Concerned Chemical Substance Management

【Toxicity and Concerned Chemical Substance Management】Are there specific regulations for labeling certain toxic substances?


According to the "Regulations for the Labeling and Safety Data Sheet Management of Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances":

Size specifications:
1. For containers with a volume not exceeding three liters, the size must not be less than fifty-two millimeters by seventy-four millimeters (larger than A8 size).
2. For containers with a volume exceeding three liters but not exceeding fifty liters, the size must not be less than seventy-four millimeters by one hundred and five millimeters (larger than A7 size).
3. For containers with a volume exceeding fifty liters but not exceeding five hundred liters, the size must not be less than one hundred and five millimeters by one hundred and forty-eight millimeters (larger than A6 size).
4. For containers with a volume exceeding five hundred liters, the size must not be less than one hundred and forty-eight millimeters by two hundred and ten millimeters (larger than A5 size).
5. If labeling toxic and concerned chemical substances on containers or packaging is difficult due to special factors such as area, shape, or material, folding labels, hanging labels, or external packaging labels may be used as a significant alternative. There are no size restrictions for such labels, and they should be attached to the container or packaging.

According to the "Management Matters of Designated Toxic Chemical Substances": Operating the following fourth category of designated toxic chemical substances:
Peacock green, maleic anhydride, succinic anhydride, para-ethoxybenzylurea (gan-glycin), potassium bromate, dimethyl phthalate, basic violet, soap yellow, rose red B, dimethyl yellow, sodium hydrogensulfite (sodium bisulfite), melamine, alpha-benzoinoxanone (coumarin)
1. In Chinese, clearly state "Prohibited for use in food."
2. The labeling area must not be less than fifty percent of the container or external packaging area.
3. The label must have a white background with red text.

Operating the following fourth category of designated toxic chemical substances:
Sudan I, Sudan II, Sudan III, Sudan IV, Sudan Red G, Sudan Orange G, Sudan Black B, Sudan Red 7B, dimethyl yellow, king's yellow (chunk yellow), basic mustard yellow, Red No. 2, Nitroaniline, Orange No. 2
