
Toxicity and Concerned Chemical Substance Management

【Toxicity and Concerned Chemical Substance Management】How can I obtain a Safety Data Sheet?


According to Article 16 of the Regulations on the Labeling and Safety Data Sheet Management of Toxic Chemicals:
Sellers of toxic chemicals are required to prepare a safety data sheet and deliver it to the purchaser along with the toxic chemicals.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Regulations on the Labeling of Hazardous Substances and Mixtures and General Rules:
Manufacturers, importers, or suppliers providing chemicals to businesses or self-employed operators must provide a safety data sheet. If the chemical is a mixture containing two or more hazardous components, the safety data sheet should be prepared based on the resulting hazard after the mixture.
For reference safety data sheets for toxic chemicals, you can visit the website of the Environmental Protection Administration: [http://toxicdms.epa.gov.tw/Chm_/Chm_index.aspx?vp=MSDS](http://toxicdms.epa.gov.tw/Chm_/Chm_index.aspx?vp=MSDS)
For reference safety data sheets for general chemicals, you can visit the website of the Ministry of Labor: [http://ghs.osha.gov.tw/CHT/intro/search.aspx](http://ghs.osha.gov.tw/CHT/intro/search.aspx)
Therefore, it is crucial to request the safety data sheet from the supplier when making a purchase.
