According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (hereinafter referred to as this Act), chemicals with hazardous properties refer to the following dangerous or harmful substances:
Dangerous substances: Those that meet the classification of CNS15030 national standards and have physical hazards.
Harmful substances: Those that meet the classification of CNS15030 national standards and pose health hazards.
The use and storage of hazardous chemicals in various locations must comply with the "Guidelines for the Use and Storage of Hazardous Chemicals in Experimental Places" of our school; other laws and regulations with special provisions shall be followed accordingly.
Container Labeling
Containers containing hazardous chemicals should be labeled in the prescribed format. The primary language for labeling is Chinese, and if necessary, it may be supplemented with foreign languages understandable by the workers.
Containers with a volume of less than one hundred milliliters may only indicate the name, hazard symbol, and warning statement.
Safety Data Sheet
The primary language for the safety data sheet is Chinese. If necessary, it may be supplemented with foreign languages understandable by the workers, and it should be reviewed every three years.
Evaluation and Classification Management of Hazardous Chemicals in Operation
For chemicals used in accordance with the national standard CNS15030 for the classification of hazardous chemicals with health hazards, their hazards and exposure levels should be assessed. Risk levels should be determined, and corresponding classification management measures should be implemented.
According to Article 8, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 1 of the "Regulations for the Assessment and Classification Management of Hazardous Chemicals," if the estimated exposure concentration is lower than half of the permissible exposure standard, it should be assessed at least every three years.
Hazard Information for Hazardous Chemicals
To prevent workers from not being fully informed of the hazard information of hazardous chemicals, leading to occupational accidents, responsible persons in each workplace should take the following necessary measures (briefly outlined):
Establish a hazard awareness plan, with records kept for three years.
Compile a list of hazardous chemicals.
Place safety data sheets in easily accessible areas in the workplace.
Receive education and training on hazardous chemicals.
Be familiar with information about hazardous chemicals.
New Chemical Substances
According to Article 13, Paragraph 1 of this law, manufacturers or importers of new chemical substances not included in the chemical substance list announced by the central competent authority shall not manufacture or import such substances without submitting a chemical substance safety assessment report to the central competent authority and obtaining approval and registration. Paragraph 3 of the same article authorizes the central competent authority to establish regulations on matters to be followed, such as the announcement of the chemical substance list, registration of new chemical substances, content of safety assessment reports, review procedures, and information disclosure. Therefore, the "Regulations for the Registration and Management of New Chemical Substances" are proposed.
Controlled Chemical Substances
According to Article 14, Paragraph 1 of this law, manufacturers, importers, suppliers, or employers shall not manufacture, import, supply, or allow workers to handle or use controlled chemical substances designated by the central competent authority. However, those permitted by the central competent authority are not subject to this restriction. In accordance with the authorization provisions of Paragraph 3 of the same article, the central competent authority shall determine the methods for the designation of controlled chemical substances, conditions for permits, duration, abolition or withdrawal of permits, content of operational data, and other matters to be followed. Therefore, the "Regulations for the Designation and Operational Permits of Controlled Chemical Substances" are proposed.
Chemicals under Priority Management
According to Article 14, Paragraph 2 of this law, manufacturers, importers, suppliers, or employers shall submit operational data for chemicals designated as under priority management by the central competent authority for record-keeping. Therefore, the "Regulations for the Designation and Operational Management of Chemicals under Priority Management" are proposed.
Number of Persons Exposed in Facilities Using Chemicals
According to Article 6 of the "Regulations for the Designation and Operational Management of Chemicals under Priority Management," the number of persons exposed in facilities using chemicals must be updated annually.
Considering the characteristics of school workplaces, each workplace is required to update the number of persons exposed in facilities using chemicals at least once per semester.