
Contract Notice

When the school outsources certain tasks on the campus, it includes cleaning, landscaping, machinery maintenance, maintenance, subcontracting, and other operations.

Prior Notification

According to Article 26 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the contractor should be informed in advance about the operation's work environment, hazards, and measures required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

Conduct Coordination Meetings and Sign Joint Written Documents

Regarding the signing of the prior notification of contracted operations, in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, after the contract is signed and before the operation begins, the contractor should visit the work environment and understand the hazards. A coordination meeting should be held with the contracting unit to jointly sign written documents, which will be kept on file for labor inspection agencies.

Implement Risk Assessment

According to Article 25 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the contractor is responsible as an employer for the contracted part. During the planning phase, a risk assessment should be implemented. At the same time, necessary safety and health equipment and measures must be installed during the operation to prevent occupational accidents for workers.

Contractor to Appoint Site Supervisor

In order to comply with the regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the school plans to revise the content of the contracted operation specifications. The contractor is required to appoint a site supervisor during the school's operation. The supervisor is responsible for guiding the work and handling emergencies related to the contracted business. Additionally, the supervisor must oversee the implementation of necessary safety measures, proper use of personal protective equipment by employees, and adherence to school regulations to ensure the safety of workers and other personnel.