Consent to Provide Personal Data
This consent letter (this "Consent") sets forth how National Chung Hsing University ("NCHU") will process the personal data collected hereunder.
By clicked the "I agree" box and signing this Consent, you confirm that you have reviewed and understand and agree to the terms of this Consent and its amendments.
If you are under the age of 20, you cannot use the service until your legal guardian has reviewed and understands and agrees to the terms of this Consent and its amendments. Nevertheless, you will be deemed to have obtained your legal guardian's consent and agreed to comply with the following terms if you have used the service.
1. Collection, Updating, and Custody of Personal Data
(1) NCHU will collect, process, and use your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and other relevant laws and regulations as well as NCHU's Privacy Policy.
(2) Please provide your correct, updated, and complete personal data in the application.
(3) Your personal data that NCHU collects during the course of business includes your 單位、姓名、聯絡方式(電話、E-Mail).
(4) To ensure the correctness, accuracy, and completeness of your personal data, please report to NCHU any changes in your personal data.
(5) Your rights and/or interests may be jeopardized if you provide NCHU with false, untrue, outdated, partial, or misleading personal data.
(6) You may exercise the following rights as regards your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act:
(i) inquire into or review your personal data; (ii) ask for duplicates of your personal data; (iii) ask to supplement or correct your personal data; (iv) ask to stop collecting, processing and/or using your personal data; and (v) ask to delete your personal data.
NCHU may refuse your request(s) in order to perform its duties or conduct its business. If you would like to exercise the foregoing rights, please refer to NCHU's Privacy Policy to find out NCHU's liaison in charge of personal data protection and contact methods. MCHU will not compensate any loss or damage you may sustain from the exercise of such rights.
2. Purposes of Collecting Personal Data
(1) NCHU will collect your personal data in order to process your 實驗室廢液清運作業.
(2) NCHU will seek your prior written consent if and when your personal data is to be used for any purpose other than that for which NCHU collected your personal data. You may refuse to provide your personal data, but you may lose your rights and/or interests accordingly. .
(3) NCHU may use your personal data in Taiwan for a period of 3年 commencing from now on the date of submitting your application>
3. Protection of Personal Data
Your personal data is protected by and under NCHU's Privacy Policy. Please review the Privacy Policy for its full text. If NCHU violates the Personal Data Protection Act or your personal data is stolen, divulged, modified, or damaged owing to any natural disasters, extraordinary event or circumstance beyond its control, NCHU will notify you by telephone, mail or e-mail, or post the notification on its website, whichever NCHU deems appropriate, after conducting necessary investigations.
4. Effect of Consent
(1) By ticking the "I agree" box and signing this Consent, you confirm that you have reviewed and understand and agree to all the terms of this Consent, such as: 終止您參與實驗室廢液清運的資格.
(2) NCHU reserves the right to amend this Consent at any time. NCHU will post the amendments on its website and will not send a separate notification to you. Do not keep using the service if you object to the amendments. If you continue using the service, you will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the amendments.
(3) Unless otherwise explicitly provided in this Consent, no suggestion or information that you may obtain in connection with this Consent, whether in writing or orally, shall constitute a commitment in addition to this Consent.
5. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Consent shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this Consent shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China and heard by the Taiwan Taichung District Court.